Welcome to the TravelShorts Earning Program!

Whether you're a traveler, a storyteller, or someone passionate about sharing the beauty of exploration, we've created multiple pathways for you to earn while engaging with our community. Discover how you can turn your adventures and stories into income.

Earn Money Selling The Booklet
Earn Money Sharing Your Story
person holding ballpoint pen writing on notebookperson holding ballpoint pen writing on notebook
man with red hiking backpack facing body of water and mountains at daytimeman with red hiking backpack facing body of water and mountains at daytime

Become a TravelShorts Ambassador: Purchase 'Travel Shorts' booklets at a discounted rate and sell them during your travels. It's a fantastic way to cover your travel expenses while sharing incredible stories from around the globe.

Your Story, Your Earnings: If your travel story is selected for publication in one of our 'Travel Shorts' booklets, you'll earn royalties based on sales. Share your journey, inspire others, and earn money.

Earn Money Through
Our Affiliate Program
Earn Money If We
Turn It Into A Movie
clap board roadside Jakob and Ryan
clap board roadside Jakob and Ryan
three people sitting in front of table laughing togetherthree people sitting in front of table laughing together

Spread the Word and Earn: Join our Affiliate Program and earn commissions by encouraging others to sell 'Travel Shorts.' Whether you're a blogger, a social media influencer, or just someone with a wide network, this is your chance to earn by promoting our unique travel booklets.

From Page to Screen: The most captivating and inspiring stories have the chance to be adapted into short films. If your story is chosen, you'll earn royalties from the film's earnings, bringing your travel experiences to a wider audience.

Ready to start earning with TravelShorts? Whether you're selling booklets, sharing your story, or becoming an affiliate, there's a place for you in our community.
Join us today and turn your love for travel into an opportunity to earn.